• Terms and conditions

§ 1

Store registration details

  1.  The ZX Spectrum MUMIO devices online store, available at the Internet address shop.mumio.dev, is run by a company registered in the Polish register of companies (CEIDG) under the NIP (VAT identyfication number) 678-100-97-88 with office in 31-864 Kraków, Poland, ul. Profesora Michała Życzkowskiego 14.

§ 2

Store contact data

  1. Seller's email address: contact@mumio.dev
  2. Phone number: +48 601-441-447
  3. Seller's bank account number: 5911602202000000019348350859116022020000000193483508591160220200000001934835085911602202000000019348350859 1160 2202 0000 0001 9348 3508 (PLN currency), PL11 1160 2202 0000 0003 3995 5148 (EUR currency)
  4. The Customer may communicate with the Seller using the addresses and telephone numbers provided in this section.

§ 3

Right of 14-day withdrawal

  1. The consumer may withdraw from the Sales Agreement within 14 days without giving any reason.

  2. The period specified in paragraph 1 begins upon delivery of the Product to the Consumer or a person indicated by him other than the carrier.

  3. The Consumer may withdraw from the Agreement by submitting a declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement to the Seller. To meet the deadline for withdrawal from the Agreement, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send the declaration before the deadline expires.

  4. The declaration may be sent by traditional mail or electronically by sending the declaration to the Seller's e-mail address or by submitting the declaration on the Seller's website - the Seller's contact details. The declaration may also be submitted on a form, the template of which is an annex to the Act of 30 May 2014 on consumer rights, but this is not obligatory.

    If the Consumer sends the declaration electronically, the Seller shall immediately send the Consumer a confirmation of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement to the e-mail address provided by the Consumer.
  5. Consequences of withdrawal from the Agreement:

  1. In the event of withdrawal from the Contract concluded at a distance, the Contract is deemed not to have been concluded.

  2. In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement, the Seller shall return to the Consumer immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer's statement on withdrawal from the Agreement, all payments made by him, including the costs of delivering the goods, with the exception of additional costs resulting from the method of delivery chosen by the Consumer other than the cheapest standard method of delivery offered by the Seller.

  3. The Seller will refund the payment using the same payment method that was used by the Consumer in the original transaction, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed to another solution that will not involve any costs for him.

  4. The Seller may withhold reimbursement until receiving the Product back or until proof of sending it back is provided, depending on which event occurs first.

  5. The Consumer should return the Product to the Seller's address provided in these Regulations immediately, no later than 14 days from the day on which he informed the Seller of the withdrawal from the Agreement. The deadline will be met if the Consumer returns the Product before the expiry of the 14-day period.

  6. The Consumer shall bear the direct costs of returning the Product, including the costs of returning the Product if, due to its nature, the Product could not be returned by regular mail.

  7. The Consumer is only liable for any reduction in the value of the Product resulting from using it in a manner other than necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product.   

§ 4

Complaint and warranty

  1. The Sales Agreement covers new and used Products. The condition of each used Product is described in detail on the Store's pages.

  2. The Seller is obliged to deliver to the Customer a product free from defects.

  3. In the event of a defect in the goods purchased from the Seller, the Customer has the right to make a complaint based on the provisions on warranty in the Kodeks Cywilny (Civil Code). If the Customer is an Entrepreneur, the parties exclude liability under warranty.

  4. Complaints should be submitted in writing or electronically to the Seller’s addresses provided in these Regulations.

  5. It is recommended that the complaint include, among other things, a concise description of the defect, the circumstances (including the date) of its occurrence, the details of the Customer submitting the complaint, and the Customer's request in connection with the defect of the goods.

  6. The Seller will respond to the complaint request immediately, and if the Customer is a Consumer - no later than within 14 days. If the Customer is a Consumer and the Seller does not respond to the complaint request within 14 days, it is considered that the Customer's request was considered justified.

  7. Goods returned under the complaints procedure should be sent to the address provided by the Seller.

§ 5

Extrajudicial methods of handling complaints and pursuing claims

  1. Detailed information on the possibility of using out-of-court complaint and claim settlement procedures by the Consumer and the rules of access to these procedures are available at the offices and on the websites of district (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, voivodship inspectorates of Inspekcja Handlowa (Trade Inspection) and at the following websites of the Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów (Competition and Consumer Protection):

  2. The consumer has the following examples of possibilities to use out-of-court methods of handling complaints and pursuing claims:

  1. The Consumer is entitled to refer to a permanent consumer arbitration court, referred to in Art. 37 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on the Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 148, as amended), with a request to resolve a dispute arising from the Agreement concluded with the Seller.

  2. The Consumer is entitled to contact the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection, in accordance with Art. 36 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on the Trade Inspection (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 148, as amended), with a request to initiate mediation proceedings on the amicable settlement of the dispute between the Consumer and the Seller.

  3. The consumer may obtain free assistance in resolving a dispute between him/her and the Seller, also using the free assistance of the district (municipal) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (including the Federation of Consumers, Association of Polish Consumers).

  4. The customer has the right to use out-of-court complaint and claim settlement methods. For this purpose, they can file a complaint via the EU ODR online platform available at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

§ 6

Personal data in the Online Store

  1. The administrator of Customers' personal data collected via the Online Store is the Seller.

  2. Personal data of Customers collected by the administrator via the Online Store are collected for the purpose of executing the Sales Agreement and, if the Customer consents, also for marketing purposes.

  3. The recipients of the personal data of the Online Store Customers may be:

  1. In the case of a Customer who uses the Online Store's delivery method by post or courier, the Administrator makes the collected personal data of the Customer available to the selected carrier or intermediary carrying out the shipment on behalf of the Administrator.

  2. In the case of a Customer who uses electronic payment or payment card payment in the Online Store, the Administrator makes the collected personal data of the Customer available to the selected entity handling the above payments in the Online Store.

4. The customer has the right to access and correct their data.

5. Providing personal data is voluntary, however, failure to provide the personal data indicated in the Regulations and necessary to conclude the Sales Agreement results in the inability to conclude said agreement.

6. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is Regulation (EC) No 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), commonly known as GDPR.